President's Message for January 2018

02 Jan 2018 1:17 AM | Anonymous member (Administrator)


Hello Gators,

          I would like to wish everyone a happy and healthy New Year.  Our Club has an impressive calendar of exciting trips and entertaining events!  Please visit our website, read our weekly email blast and look through our newsletter to find out more.   Please invite your friends and coworkers to check us out so more people can join in the fun.  The bigger our membership grows, the more fun events we can offer for your pleasure and entertainment. 

    I would like to offer my deepest gratitude to our volunteers, both Board Members and those that have helped behind the scenes for their tireless dedication to our Club during the past year. They are the reason that we have had such a fun and successful Club.  If you happen to talk to one of them, please let them know that they are appreciated.  

     Our club is looking for volunteers to fill positions on the Board for June 1, 2018 to May 31, 2019.  We need your help to remain a vibrant and active club.  Our election will be held at the April General Meeting.  We will conduct the first round of nominations in our February General Meeting and the second in our March General Meeting.  Although nominations will be welcomed for any position, we especially need volunteers for President, VP / Ski Trips, VP / Special Activities, and VP / Socials.  In addition, we are looking for volunteers to fill the appointed positions of Membership Director, Communications Director and Event Comptroller Director.  If you are interested in any of these positions or want more information, please contact me.

    Ski Season is finally here!  We start with our amazing low priced Winter Park trip led by Linda Elie on January 6.  Our second trip follows on January 20th with Ken Kingston leading the FSC main trip to the wonderful destination of Steamboat Springs.  Our third trip to exotic Andorra and Barcelona led by Kelly Lunsford goes out on February 24th.  Our fourth trip, the FSC trip to exciting Jackson Hole, Wyoming led by Chris McArdle, departs on February 25th.  Our fifth trip going out on March 7th is another amazing international trip to incredible Sierra Nevada, Spain led by Walter Marussich.  Although our trips are full, wait list positions open up frequently, so if you are interested, please contact the trip leader. 

     Our Florida Ski Council (FSC) non-ski trip to Australia and New Zealand is now on sale.  Join the Gators on this bucket list trip of a lifetime during the spring season on November 4 - 18, 2018.  Please visit our website or contact trip leader Karen Eslary for more information. 

     Our holiday dinner dance on December 8th was a tremendous success.  Everyone delighted in mingling with friends, eating a delicious holiday buffet and dancing to the music of our DJ.  Thank you, Evie Houston and Deb Haselmire for coordinating this elegant event; Deb, Liz Loeffler Karl Haselmire and Randy Czapkewicz for decorating; and Cory and Rick Reed for manning the check-in table at the door.      

     A big group of Gators really enjoyed viewing the annual Palm Beach Boat Parade at Juno Park on Saturday, December 2nd.  Thank you, Debbi Haselmire, for organizing this fun event

     We had another spectacular full moon dinner at the beach on Sunday, December 3rd.  Thank you, Kathy Levas, for arranging this marvelous gathering, and to Patti Bochniak for assisting. 

     The Gators celebrated the holiday season our second candlelight walking tour in the Old Northwood Historic District on December 17th, where we toured showcased historic homes and feasted on refreshments and appetizers from local restaurants and chefs.  Thank you, Kathy Levas, for arranging this splendid experience

     December 2nd marked the third Leisure Bike Ride series with Guest Leader Estela Basso leading a pleasant ride in Juno Beach.  The next ride will be at Jupiter Farms on Saturday, January 6th with Guest Leader Tim Kuhn.  Look for a new ride every month, and don’t forget about the special weekend camping trip and bike ride at Lake Okeechobee in February.  The cabins go quickly, so make your reservation now.  

     The closing of the North Palm Beach Country Club has been postponed until May 2018.  It will not reopen for at least 18 months.  Starting in June we plan to move to the Marriott in Palm Beach Gardens. 

     Come to our regular Friday night happy hours, arranged for you by Debbi Haselmire with input from the Social and Special Activities Committee.  Happy hour is a great way to start the weekend with your Gator friends.  We have included some new and exciting venues mixed in with Club favorites.  If you have any ideas for happy hours, please contact Debbi. 

     The volunteers on our Social and Special Activities Committee meeting are working hard to bring you great parties, events and trips this year.  If you have an idea for an event, please bring it to the committee.  If you would like to get more involved, please join the committee, volunteer to lead an event or trip, or offer to assist other officers.  We are looking for volunteers to help us with our events, so please watch for our next meeting.  Help us to make your Club even better.   

     Thank you for the opportunity to serve you. 


Sharon Long



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