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Board Members: what do they do?

The following are the duties and responsibilities of the Board members that are elected directly by the membership. To be electable, you must be a current member in good standing. For most positions, you must have been a member of the Club for 2 consecutive years immediately prior (except for President which requires 3 years).

Note: You are considered a member for the whole year regardless of what month of the year you join the Club.


The President is the chief executive officer of the
Club and shall see that all decisions and resolutions of the Board of
Directors are carried out. The President shall preside over all meetings
of the Board of Directors, Executive Committee and the general
membership. Only in the case of a tie vote shall the President cast a
vote. The President shall appoint Special Committees. With the
exception of the Candidate Search Committee, the President shall be
an official member of all committees and other groups operating under
the direction of the Board of Directors of the Club. It shall be the
President's duty to see that all members of the Executive Committee
and Member at Large Directors fulfill their duties, and that all
committees fulfill their functions.

VP Ski Trips:

The Vice President/Ski Trips is responsible for coordinating all club ski trips, and also providing guidance, assistance and training to all trip leaders and trip leader assistants. The Vice President/ Ski Trips is responsible for all travel arrangements and makes recommendations for Trip Leaders, Assistant Trip Leaders, ski trip locations, time of trip, travel agents, budgets, and contracts to be approved by a majority vote of the Executive Committee and Member at Large. The Vice President/Ski Trips is responsible for the scheduling, planning, promotion, budgeting and execution of all ski activities and events sponsored by the Club.

VP Special Activities:

Vice President/Special Activities oversees and supervises all sports
related activities and non-skiing activities requiring transportation,
whether the transportation is provided by the Club or the members. In
addition, the Vice President/Special Activities is responsible for
the scheduling, planning, promotion, budgeting, training of related
Trip Chairs and Assistant Trip Chairs, and execution of all sports
related non-skiing activities and events sponsored by the Club which
require transportation.

VP Socials:

The Vice President/Socials is responsible for the scheduling, planning, promotion, budgeting, and execution of all social activities, charity functions, and events sponsored by the Club that do not include transportation.


The Club Treasurer shall have practical financial and or accounting experience in managing the financial affairs of an organization or business. The Treasurer shall use the Club’s current
software and exhibit computer literacy.
Budgets - Prior to the end of each fiscal year, the current Treasurer shall develop and present to the incoming Board of Directors an Annual Operating Budget for Board approval.
Accounting Records - The Treasurer shall have custody of Club bank accounts and moneys. The Treasurer shall keep books belonging to the Club containing complete and accurate records of all receipts and disbursements.
Financial Reports - The Treasurer shall report at each Board of Directors meeting, and at any specific time as
requested by the President, on the financial condition of the Club.
Tax Reporting - The Treasurer shall be responsible for compliance with all required local, state, and federal tax regulations and filing tax returns by the appropriate due dates.
Records The Treasurer of the Club shall maintain an accurate record of Club assets, merchandise and property.
Trip and Event Accounting – The Treasurer shall prepare a report showing income, expenses, and net income or loss, for each ski trip, non-ski trip, social event, Special Activities event, and any other activity that is funded by members of the Club.


The secretary shall record the minutes of all executive committee, board of directors and when appropriate,
general membership meetings and file them in minute books as permanent records belonging to the club. He/she shall also keep copies of all club correspondence, maintain and have custody of all the permanent records of the club, draft and maintain all resolutions of the Executive Committee and/or the board of directors and to advise the president of pending action items in previous meetings. The secretary is responsible for the creation and mailing of the monthly newsletter of the Club.

Member at Large:

The Member at Large shall represent the interests of the membership and act as a liaison between individual members and the Board of Directors.

 Note: the previous are elected Board Members. There are also appointed Board Members.
For example, the Communications Director and the Membership Director are appointed (by the Board) to assist in the functioning of the Club.

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Gator Snow Ski & Activities Club
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