Harry Patat
Our 2022-2023 Season is rolling.
As of 06Jul22 we have about 250 members so some trips already have waiting lists.
To sign up for a trip you need to :(1) be a member in good standing, (2) sign up for a trip with deposit using Check or Credit Card. (3) Don't get too anxious about the wait lists- rarely does the wait not move, people drop or change trips for all sorts of reasons.
A note about checks clearing banks: Think in terms of 6-8 weeks. USPS from you to our PO Box, I check the box 2-3 times per month. The checks for deposit are turned over to the Treasurer at the next Board meeting. Then the Treasurer deposits Trip checks and Membership checks per their personal schedule.
We are not Amazon nor do we have a large IT dept/budget.
Think Snow.
Do you have products or services our members may be interested in?
Check our our modest ADVERTISING RATES